Angry Birds Star Wars Now Available - Prime -- Tech -- Hacker

Angry Birds Star Wars Now Available

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Good news immediately went to the game Angry Birds fans with the release of the latest sequel to the best-selling game was by the developer, Rovio.

As quoted via Engadget, the latest Rovio game called Angry Birds Star Wars has now been released for users of iOS, Android, Amazon Kindle Fire, Mac, PC, Windows Phone, and Windows 8.

Angry Birds Stars Wars will entertain users with 80 levels in iconic locations such as Tatooine and Pig Stare, came with game play mechanism that entirely new, as well as a variety of secret and hidden things of interest.

Unlike in previous games, where various Angry Birds characters unarmed except eggs and destructive capability targets. Well, Star Wars Angry Birds, Rovio arming his birds with Lightsaber sword to fend off enemy attacks and Blaster (like those of Hans Solo, a character in the film Star Wars) to shoot the pigs were dressed like stromtroopers (the enemy, the character in the Star Wars movies).

Stromtrooper in addition, there is a pig character that resemble from other Star Wars character is the Death Star, its realization is quite scary and a bit hard to beat. There are also birds Obi-Wan Kenobi who uses the power of Force, and Chewbacca birds are growing bigger and bigger.

For those of you who are curious to see how the thrill of the game Angry Birds Stars Wars, the following video should give you some idea.

Effective on November 8th, 2012, the Stars Wars game Angry Birds has been available for iOS users (0,99 USD/ iPhone, 2.99 USD/iPad), Android (Free SDversion, HD for 2,99 USD), Amazon Kindle Fire, Mac (4,99 USD), PC, Windows Phone, and Windows 8. So, wait no more.

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